Static Analysis Plug-ins
Static Analysis Plug-ins
How to delegate "static analysis" action to the static analysis plug-ins
eg) dexter-findbugs plug-in
- a static analysis plug-in should implements "IDexterPlugin" interface
- and should add JSPF "@PluginImplementation" annotation.
- Dexter PluginManager in dexter-executor project will use the static analysis plug-in by the IDexterPlugin interface.
IDexterPlug-in Interface
com.samsung.sec.dexter.core.plugin.IDexterPlugin.java in the dexter-core project
Two ways
- JSPF Libraries(Dexter CLI) : add @PluginImplementation annotation
- Eclipse Plug-in Extension Point (Eclipse Plugin) : implements IDexterPlugin
1) JSPF Libraries
2) Eclipse Plug-in Extension
refer to below example
How to create a static analysis plug-in
a sample plug-in : dexter-opensource.zip
1) Create Plugin Project
New > Plug-in Project
2) Edit MANIFEST.MF file
Overview tab
Dependencies tab
Runtime tab
Build tab
Extensions tab
- add 'dexter-executor.DexterPlugin extension point
- then, create your own XxxDexterPlugin class
3) Implements IDexterPlugin interface
this java file is create by "Extensions" tab in the previous step.
eg) counting number of ';' in a source file.
4) Run
eg) after creating a sample java file, the result looks like the below:
Sample Class Diagram for dexter-vd-cpp plug-in
init() Method
- called only once when the static analysis is loading
- CheckerConfig object should be initialized at that time
, multiple selections available,
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