Release Notes

Release Notes

V0.10.6  Released   

1.Dexter Platform

1.1 Add 23 Security Checker Help files 

1.2 Add 3 Opensource checkers :  GPL_CMCL / GPL_2_0_CMCL / LGPL_2_0_2_1_CMCL

1.3 Change Severity :  initializerList ( MAJ ▶ CRC) / cppcheck

1.4 Change checker 'list' to 'map' in CheckerConfig

1.5 Optimize StringBuilder using 'trimToSize()'

1.6 Refactoring cppcheck result file: Read template instaed of xml

1.7 Change sourcecode type 'String' to 'CharSequence'

1.8 Bug Fix : Remove duplicated creation of TranslationUnit

1.9 Bug Fix : CLI option for -e (Enable only specified checker)

1.10 Bug Fix : Reduce False Alarm for 3 checkers

  • sec_path_modi /  sec_wsf_rand / sec_ri_secure_storage (cppcheck)

2.Dexter Server

2.1 memento : ng-grid table filter in Dexter Web

2.2 Bug Fix : Add 'deleteSnapshotOccurenceMapFromDB' function in AdminSE

2.3 Bug Fix : remove unnecessary code

3.Dexter Monitor

3.1 Add menu icon in Sidebar

V0.10.5  Released   

1.Dexter Server

1.1 Add 19 Security Checker Help files

2.Dexter Daemon

2.1 Bug Fix : Login Popup Open error, when password is invalid

3.Dexter Monitor

3.1 Bug Fix : Refactor Current Status Logic 

3.2 Set refresh interval time from config file

V0.10.4  Released   

1.Dexter Platform

1.1 Bug Fix :  'sec_bof_snprintf', 'sec_bof_strncat' checker  false alarm issue

1.2 Copy 'dexter.em' file into 'Source Insight- Base project' automatically

1.3 Run dexter daemon automatically when 'Source Insight ' runs

1.4 Add 'Analysis Type' to check how to analyze in dexter-client

  • SAVE(in Source Insight), FILE(CLI Option), PROJECT /  FOLDER / SNAPSHOT ( Dexter-daemon Option), UNKNOWN (error)

1.5 Add cppcheck checkers

  • CRCinvalidscanfformatwidth_smaller 

2.Dexter CLI

2.1 Bug Fix : to use -e options / Enable only specified checker

2.2 Bug Fix : Supported on the 32-bit and 64-bit linux system 

2.3 Dexter-cli sends the results as soon as they are available after analysis.

3.Dexter Server 

3.1 Bug Fix : Current defect Comment is shown in snapshot page

3.2 Bug Fix : Displaying 'N/A' in ng-grid for angularjs using 'cellFilter'

3.3 Upgrade ng-grid_2.0.14 in defect controller

3.4 Update or Insert author information by 'Analysis Type' 

3.5 Add '/api/v3/analysis/result' api : This api supports 'Analysis Type' from result json file.

4.Dexter Monitor ( : Refer to dexter-monitor manual page for details)

4.1 Bug Fix : Set 'Zero' default value to 'installedDeveloperCount'

4.2 Bug Fix : Change 'loadUserList' function

V0.10.3  Released  

1.Dexter Platform

1.1 Bug Fix :  'aul_launch_app' false alarm issue

1.2 Bug Fix :  'sec_cij_app_control' checker  false alarm issue

1.3 Change Severity - cppcheck 4 checkers

  • DISABLE : nullPointerRedundantCheck
  • DISABLE : rand_rcalled
  • MIN : knownConditionTrueFalse
  • CRC : unusedlabel

2.Dexter Server 

2.1 Bug Fix : Deleting the unnecessary file 

2.2 Bug Fix : Usability Improvement

2.3 Added 'adminSE' page for remove defects that dexter-user had run to wrong server by mistake

3.Dexter Monitor ( : Refer to dexter-monitor manual page for details)

3.1 Add Overview for Current defect Status

3.2 Check dexter-server Status [Active or Inactive]

3.3 create a snapshot for all 'Active' dexter-server automatically

V0.10.2  Released  

1.Dexter CLI

1.1 Bug Fix : The new checker is not included with -e option(only specified checker) 

2.Dexter Eclipse

2.1 Bug Fix : IResourceChangeEventHandler Error :  

 - Add DexterMarker.KEY_USED_ONCE key

 - analysis correctly when dexter markers exist

2.2 Bug Fix : Handle null or exception from File.list() or File.listFiles() methods

2.3 Bug Fix : NullPointerException: workspace is closed error

V0.10.1  Released  

1. Dexter Platform

1.1 Change Severity - cppcheck 4 checkers

  • nonreentrantfunctionsstrtok: ETC
  • conststatement: disable

1.2 Bug Fix  : add CDTASTUtil.convertIntoDecimalNumber for vd-cpp

1.3 Bug Fix :  add condition check for ex) usleep(0) for vd-cpp

1.4 Bug Fix :  exception handling for Integer.parseInt for vd-cpp

2. Dexter Eclipse 

2.1 Bug Fix : Remove nested if blocks

  • duplicated logic & Change the method name to express its logic

    • makeCodeMetricsUrl() > createCodeMetricsUrl()

    • codeMetricsResource() > showCodeMetricsView()

    • Extract method : getModulePath()

2.2 Bug Fix : 'Run Static Analysis' and 'Create Snapshot' context menu is not executed in Eclipse C/C++

2.3 Bug Fix : The position of the Critical defect occurance icon is not identical in Eclipse C/C++ and Tizen SDK

2.4 Bug Fix : "Code Metrics" context menu was not seen in Eclipse C/C++ and Tizen SDK

V0.10.0  Released  

1. Dexter Platform

1.1 Add 64bit checker 4 Kinds & cppcheck checker 1 Kinds

  •  typecastedaddresstointegeratreturn /  Severity: MAJ
  •  assignmenttypecastedaddresstointeger / Severity: MAJ
  •  magicnumberdatatype / Severity: ETC
  • magicnumbermalloc / Severity: ETC
  1.  AssignmentAddressToInteger / Severity: MAJ

1.2 Add Feature : dexter-eclipse-cdt (for CPP), dexter-eclipse-jdt (for JAVA)

2. Dexter Eclipse 

2.1 Dexter provides 8 versions according to the Eclipse.

  • Eclipse for Java (32bit/ 64bit)
  • Eclipse for C/C++  (32bit/ 64bit)
  • Eclipse for JDT&CDT (32bit, 64bit)
  • Tizen SDK (32bit / 64bit)

2.2 Support Tizen SDK IDE 32bit / 64bit


2.3 Support Eclipse IDE for C/C++ 32bit / 64bit

2.4 Bug Fix : The Builder information is shown a blank(Dexter Project Builder)

3. Dexter Daemon

3.1 Bug Fix : The Builder information is shown in a blank(Dexter Project Builder)

3.2 Add Platz View and Handler Only for Samsung VD

4. Dexter CLI

4.1 It doesn't support the Basic String checker in Linux.

5. Dexter Server

5.1 Bug Fix : Sometimes it doesn't showing the code metric information by Eclipse.

5.2 Bug Fix : Add Information for Code Metrics View.

5.3 Add Checker Description for 64 bit Checker(+4). 

V0.9.4  Released  

1. Dexter Platform

1.1 Add Feature: Code Metrics For file and function

1.2 Add Security checker 41 Kinds. (Checker List mark as 'SECURITY') 

1.3 Bug Fix : Add Exception in dexter-vd-cpp / uSleepchecker 

1.4 Bug Fix : NoLineException in dexter-metrics

2. Dexter Daemon

2.1 Add View and Handler for Code Metrics

3. Dexter CLI

3.1 Detect Security defect from the Windows and Linux version

3.2 Bug Fix : Set permission for cppcheck execute file for linux

4. Dexter Server

4.1 Add API & MVC for Code Metrics view 

4.2 Add DB table for Code Metrics (SQL)

V0.9.3  Released  

1. Dexter Platform

1.1 Add Security Checker 21 Kinds,VD Custom checker 1 Kinds.


V0.9.2  Released  

1. Dexter Platform

1.1 Bug Fix : NullPointer error in deleteDexterPluginIfHasOldOne function

1.2 Bug Fix : Remove unnecessary methods in CppUtil.java and DexterUtilHelper.java

2. Dexter Daemon

2.2 Bug Fix : 'Stand Alone' mode when the Dexter Server has abnormal status

3. Dexter CLI

3.1 Bug Fix : Invalid options(ID/ PW) in 'Stand Alone' mode 

4. Dexter Eclipse

4.1 Bug Fix : Static analysis is not working when saving a file

5. Dexter Monitor

5.1 Create dexter-monitor project to check if dexter server is alive

5.1 Bug Fix : Scroll error in dexter-monitor

V0.9.1  Released   

1. Dexter Platform

1.1 Add two plug-ins into Github: opensource and Vd-cpp

- Opensource : 12 checkers

- Vd-cpp checker :  10 checkers

1.2 Change Dexter API version  : /api/v1/'categorization'/~

V0.9.0  Released   : opensource contribution

▶ in-house version 2.8.4 to OS 0.9.0

GitHub : https://github.com/Samsung/Dexter

V2.8.4  Released    (In-House Version)

1. Dexter Platform

1.1 Supporting findbugs v3.0.1

1.2 Supporting cppcheck v1.69

2. Dexter Daemon

1.1 Supporting 'Stand Alone' mode

3. Dexter CLI

3.1 Bug Fix : NullPointException on initDexterClient() / DexterPluginInitializer should be valid before the dexter home sets

3.2 Bug Fix : divide zero exception at CommentRatio

4. Dexter Eclipse

4.1 Supporting 'Stand Alone' mode

4.2 Bug Fix :  invalid thread access in the login-dialog on dexter-eclipse startup

5. Dexter WEB

5.1 Manages the API version : /api/v1/

5.2 Bug Fix : incorrect status of defects

5.2 Bug Fix : Remove unused libraries

5.3 Bug Fix : No get host Ip on Linux, change 'getLocallhostIp' function for multi platform

V2.5.31  Released  (In-House Version)

1. Dexter Platform

1.1 Supporting Opensource checker Plug-in 

1.2 Supporting VD specification checker plug-in for C/C++

1.3 Multi-Plug-in Processing with a file

2. Dexter Daemon

2.1. Update Plug-in automatically

3. Dexter CLI

3.1 Changes of dexter.conf file to dexter_cfg.json file

3.2  Supporting run command option for CLI analyze

4. Dexter WEB

4.1 Added "Snapshot List" button for Code Review System

4.2 Remove  "Mark Fix Defect " and "Remove file Tree" button

4.3 Remove Selection List in Detail tab

V1.0.5 Released    (In-House Version)

1. Dexter WEB [Release Notes]

1.1 Account Management

1.2 Show all defects info in a source code

1.3 Improve performance for loading data

1.4 When refreshing, remain setting information

1.5 Bug Fix: no data when you open the web site at first time 

2. Context-Aware Guide

2.1 Link for CWE

V1.1.0  Released   (In-House Version)

Following list can be changed depends on features' priority

1. Dexter C/C++

1.1 Supporting SourceInsight

1.2 Dexter Daemon for Windows

1.3 Supporting code matrix for C/C++

2. Dexter WEB

2.1 Personalization

2.2 Refresh defect data(defect list and chart) automatically

2.3 Link with defect description in Dexter WIKI

2.4 Show number precisely in dashboard : 1.1K to 1,111

2.5 Bug Fix: LOC info in a dashboard

2.6 Bug Fix: No show data, if source file has no module path

3. Dexter CLI

3.1 changes of dexter.conf file

libDir attribute in a dexter.conf

change attribute name : packageName to modulePath

remove language attribute

3.2 Bug Fix: Using special character for password

4. Dexter Platform

4.1 creating defects snapshot daily and automatically

4.2 Defect and Occurence Message

4.2 Multi-Plug-in Processing with a same name

5. Dexter Eclipse

5.1 Improve to move the description of Eclipse version

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